Welcome to the new generation CRM

At the heart of the user experience

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#interface #clean

Your Eudonet has a new look. We have completely redesigned it to offer you more simplicity and readability….. More space on the page, solid colours that stand out, the emphasis on visual elements... Tabs, bookmarks, lists, diaries, menus... nothing changes yet at the same time everything has been updated……And it looks great!

Eudonet x : clean interface

#navigation #support

Feeling supported is important. That's why we have increased the visibility of the headings to make the help provided by tooltips even clearer. Eudonet is also enriched with multiple micro-interactions that help you to find your way around and immediately understand where you are within the software. Giving you peace of mind

Eudonet x : Support navigation

#interface #intuitive

Everything in its place and everything becomes easier. The position of the buttons, the content of the messages, the layout of the menus, the scrolling of screens, the symbols and meaningful labels, having to click less... everything contributes to better efficiency. Of course, in view of Eudonet's immense rich functionality, it may take a little longer to optimise everything. But the superb changes are worth the wait...


#progressive #navigation

Your CRM is at the heart of your business, as well as at the centre of all your daily activities. Navigation is focussed less and less around data and more and more according to your processes. Track progress, graphically analyse your data, import or export forms, run an automated email campaign. We have improved the layout of wizards so that wherever you are within the software you can easily progress step by step.

Eudonet x : Progressive navigation


CRM ExpertKay Jones

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