
A range of extensions to be even closer to your users

CRM Extension Score

Which contacts are most important to you? The Score extension allows you to rate each of them according to customizable criteria to determine their level of importance.

from £5 per month/ users
Whether you are in a phase of conquest, follow-up, or loyalty building, identify instinctively what each contact represents for you. Fully configurable, Score segments and classifies all your contacts according to carefully chosen performance criteria. A powerful scoring engine:
  • Unlimited number of indicators
  • Based on all the headings in the database
  • Calculations by thresholds or ranges
  • Planned or on-demand processing
  • Inter-weighted indicators
Multiple segmentation:
  • Unlimited number of scores
  • Multi-criteria score
  • Monitoring of the score evolution
  • Dynamic Ranking
An indispensable tool:
  • Marketing segmentation
  • Performance monitoring
  • Measurement of frequencies and recences
  • Identification of risks
Choose your KPI's, customize your algorithms, combine them and take advantage of a perfect knowledge of your customers. Thanks to the Score extension you can automate the calculation of a score for each of your contacts and each of your companies. This score is made up dynamically from a set of indicators weighted together. These indicators can be based on all fields and tabs of the database according to customizable intervals.