Measure the impact of your actions

Using customizable dashboards, define and analyze your key indicators

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The integral solution that helps with the evaluation of your associations strategy

Easily create and customise your reports

Visualising all of your key indicators at a glance is essential to readjust, if necessary, your company's commercial and marketing strategy. A consolidated and updated vision of your KPIs allows you to manage and evaluate your actions. A multitude of indicators and graphs are available in integral Eudonet CRM to allow you to personalise your dashboards: turnover, objectives, "kanban", incoming requests, average response time, etc. Choose the most relevant indicators for you and measure the ROI (return on investment) of your actions. You can also interface your Power BI graphics through our Eudo Store extension.
Easily create and customise your reports

Share your dashboards with your teams

A picture is worth a thousand words! So that each person concerned has the same level of information, nothing is better than being able to share your dashboards with your teams. With integral Eudonet CRM, you choose the elements you want to share with the other users of your database. Fully secure, you can easily manage the viewing and / or modification rights of each employee on each of the dashboards. Also, you can export them in different formats, such as Word, Excel, CSV or PDF.
Share your dashboards with your teams


CRM ExpertKay Jones

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